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Reading strategy 


Identifying even a brief specified time each day to read a book, can help shift your focus and improve your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.  If you do not have time to read or have barriers related to your mental and physical health, consider listening to audio books. With a membership to your local library and downloading the app “Overdrive” you can listen to hundreds of audio books for free. Here are a few additional tips that may be helpful in beginning your reading and/or listening journey. 



Learn more on Healthy tips in beginning your reading and /or listening journey









healing racial stress

Written by a team of clinical and community psychologists and experts in Black mental health and wellness including Dr. Jessica S. Henry, Dr. Farzana T. Saleem, Dr. Dana L. Cunningham, Dr. Nicole L. Cammack, and Dr. Danielle R. Busby, this workbook is informed by evidence-based strategies to help Black teens manage their emotions in the face of race-based stress, find strength in their racial and cultural identity, gain the skills to combat racism, and foster wellness. 



Available now!​









For more information:

what should i read next

Sometimes it can be hard to figure out where to start on your reading journey. Please check out this list of different genres of books all written by Black authors compiled by a Black Mental Wellness Mentee, Machaela Campbell. Genres highlighted include: mystery and thriller, romance, memoir, sci-fi/fantasy, and poetry.



Learn more on What Should I Read Next?





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