strategies to cope with COVID-19 related stress
We are all navigating through unprecedented times and changes due to the spread of COVID-19. These changes have impacted us in multiple ways including essential workers, working with heightened stress and anxiety and possibly fear, teleworking, loss of work, closed schools, and changes in how we interact and physically connect with others. In addition, many people either know someone who is recovering from COVID-19, or someone who passed due to complications from the virus. This pandemic has impacted all of us!
Black Mental Wellness wanted to share with you some coping and wellness strategies and resources that we hope will help you cope with and get through these trying times.
Learn more on Strategies to Cope with COVID-19 Related Stress:
coping with covid-19: what day is it?
“What day is it?” How many times have you asked that since the quarantine started? For many of us, the days all seem to run together, and it can be hard to know which day of the week it is. Prior to COVID-19, you likely had a pretty regular schedule of activities that you did during the week, and other things that you typically did on the weekends. Now that you are home the majority of the time, it can be challenging to separate your weekends from your weekdays, but it may be helpful to find ways to differentiate the two.
Learn more on Coping with COVID-19: What Day Is It ?:
coping with covid: TIPS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTs
This guide provides information and resources for college students to cope with the challenges of COVID-19 including anxiety, financial resources, and academic success, time management, and work-life balance.
Learn more on Coping with COVID: Tips for College Students