Guest Contributor:
Soulful Sessions, LLC
Soulful Sessions started in 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia. It began as a girls' night filled with intentional conversations about life experiences and self-care. Soulful Sessions developed into a life group. Monthly sessions allowed members to process their emotions of trauma, grief, loss, forgiveness, and self-worth. Each member has a background in social work and a commitment to self-care, healing and wellness. Their prayer is that Soulful Sessions transforms lives and reaches those who need healing.
Book Recommendation – Soulful Sessions
Do you want to create a community of sistas to help cultivate your healing experience? Did we hear, “Fill me up, sis”?
Well, cheers to positive vibes, blessing, and new beginnings! Soulful Sessions is a highly recommended resource for coping and wellness. Venture out with four women who decided to take a journey towards healing and self-discovery. Monthly Soulful Sessions allowed them to individually process their emotions and intentionally work towards self-actualization. Through these Soulful Sessions, they have been able to create healthy boundaries to honor themselves and support each other on their individual journeys. The Soulful Sistas share their personal stories and provide 13 guided sessions to curate your own Soulful Sessions experience.
The Soulful Sessions book has been birthed out of their healing. It will provide the necessary tools to curate your own process of self-actualization and includes 13 guided sessions toward healing, self-care, and wellness. Their testimonies and experiences are real. Allow them to challenge you to face your fears and allow others to help you grow through your own hurt, pain, and resentment.
Join the Soulful Sistas and learn how to be more intentional about preserving yourself.
Order your copy of Soulful Sessions here:
Guest Contributor
Soulful Sessions invites you to venture out with four women who decided to take a journey towards healing and self-discovery. Learn from their experiences and adapt new healthy coping skills to fit your lifestyle.